The Goran Visnjic Community Contact Pages
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A note from the Webmistress to the many fans of Lukafic:
Once upon a time, back in the fall of 1999, to be exact, a friend of mine started a website devoted to Goran Visnjic. The Unofficial GV Site is but a memory now, and Aziel is no longer on the web, but if it had not been for her and her site, this fanfic site would not have existed. Luka Kovac and ER ended their runs in February 2009, but the Luka Kovac Fan Fiction site lives on. There are some truly wonderful stories here from some excellent writers--be sure to explore the whole site and check out all the sections (there are over 700 chapters of fanfic!)--you won't be sorry. While I no longer take submissions, and the E-mail links go to a dead account, the site will remain for as long as Tripod lets it stay up for free. If you ever need a "Luka" fix, there is surely something here for you. If you are an author, make sure you have a copy of your story. Otherwise--
Happy Reading!
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