Strings Attached

part 5

by Mrs. Eyre

"You want to go get some air?"


"You're flagging". Carter had watched with interest as Luka dragged a hand over tired eyes for the twentieth time that morning.

"Flagging. Yes. OK".

"Losing sleep?" Luka didn't answer as he followed Carter out into the ambulance bay and, shivering a little in the November chill, lowered himself wearily onto the bench. "Trouble in Paradise?" Luka wasn't making this easy.

"It's my family.”

Carter's concern was piqued. "Somebody sick?"

"No. They're here. Visiting."

"They are? Abby never said anything."

"She didn't know."


Luka glanced up at him then but said nothing.

"Holy crap - you didn't tell her."


"You're kidding me."


"And she's . . . not pleased."


"What are you, a yes man on vacation?" Luka shot him a look of withering contempt "So let me guess, she's mad as hell."

"I don't think that even begins to describe it."

"Holy crap."

"You said that already."

"I know, Luka, but . . . holy crap."

"Would you stop with that?"

"Why didn't you tell her?"

"You've not met my father, have you."

"Not to my recollection, no."

"Oh, you'd remember. And you'd understand."

"You scared of him?" Carter was highly amused at this concept and it showed.

"No. But he can be ..."

"Difficult? "

"At least that."

"I see."

"But he's a good man, you know, he never means to ... wound."

"Abby met him yet?"

"Last night at dinner."

"And ..."

"And I slept alone last night. She would have liked to kill me. I think the words she used were arrogant and overbearing."

"You or him?"

"It's not funny."

"No. Except it sort of ... is - from where I'm standing."

"Right now I'd swap places with you."

"No thanks. Where is she now?" Luka shifted uncomfortably on the bench.

"At the Art Institute. They have some fine Hoppers."

"Abby likes Hopper?"

"My father does."

"Oh, man."

"As you say." He let out a sigh and lowered his head to his hands. "This is a major fuck up, Carter".

"Come on. She's mad now, but she'll come round. I mean, she had to meet him some time, right?" Luka shook his head silently. Carter forged on. "This time tomorrow - "

"This time tomorrow she may be asking for her key back."

"You're talking crazy now. Why would she let this derail things after everything else?"

"I didn't talk to her. It matters. I know that, she knows that."

"Don't do this. This can't be the first time you've quarrelled."

"First time she threw me out at the end of the evening."

Carter sat beside him. "You worried? I mean, beyond her wanting you dead - you're really worried?" Luka nodded. "You have to talk to her."

"I think I figured that one out already. But I don't know what to say, and even if I did I don't know if she'd listen."

"This is crazy. She'll calm down."

"No. It's more than that. I didn't give her a choice."

"Look, you want me to talk to her?" Carter took in Luka's horrified glance. "No, OK, maybe not. I really don't think I can help you here."

"I know."

"Of course you're overlooking one major thing you have in your favour, and my advice is to milk it for all it's worth."

"Which is?" Carter supressed a laugh at the almost childlike hope in Luka's voice.

"A powerful weapon to have in your armoury. She loves you."


to part 6

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