part 10 by Poet

It was a little past 11:00 when Luka and Roza came back upstairs. They'd spent most of the time in the basement just holding each other. And letting the reality of their engagement sink in. Luka was carrying the box of candy which he'd completely forgotten all about. Handing it to Marjorie, he said, "I'm sorry that I forgot all about this.

"That's all right. I know you've had OTHER things on your mind," she replied, accepting his apology. "Anyway, it's still Valentines' Day for about another 47 minutes."

Roza had the unopened bottle of champagne. "Come on in the kitchen so we can all have a drink. But we must be very quiet or we'll wake up the children," she cautioned.
"When are you planning to tell them that you're going to be married?" Marjorie asked.
"Tomorrow evening--when there will be time. Besides Luka and I need to discuss exactly how we're going to tell them," Roza replied. She removed three flower patterned plastic glasses from the cupboard.

"I'll open the champagne," Luka volunteered and picked up the bottle. Holding it tightly, he managed to pull out the cork. Quickly he filled each glass half full of champagne. "Who wants to go first?"

"I do," Marjorie decided. She raised her glass. "Here's to the happy couple!"

They all three touched glasses and took a drink. "To new beginnings!" Roza said.

"To old and new friends," Luka said and glanced over at Marjorie.

"I'll drink to that!" Marjorie said and touched her glass to his.

"Let's not forget who all we've lost," Roza said softly.

"Last weekend I think I dreamed that Mirjana came and and told me that it was all right to marry you," Luka told her. "A friend once told me that 'I'd find someone to love me the way my wife loved me.' I didn't believe her then but I know now that she was right."

"I suppose you'll be heading back here EVERY chance you can," Marjorie told Luka.

"If I can. It all depends on what I can arrange at the hospital," he replied.

"After you get married, you can still come and visit me," she pointed out.

"Or you can come visit us," Luka said. He finished his glass of champagne.

"Luka, do you want to help me with the children in the morning?" Roza asked.

"Of course, I do," Luka answered. He tenderly kissed her. "What time in the morning?"

"7:00," she told him.

"We'll always make sure we have a room for you," Roza added.

Marjorie got to her feet and said, "Well, I'd better get onto bed. Goodnight, everybody."

"I'll walk downstairs with you," Luka said.

"Goodnight, Luka. And pleasant dreams," Roza told him.

"You too, Roza," he replied and headed for the door.

Marjorie stopped on the second floor and said, "Goodnight, Luka."

"Marjorie, I wanted to thank you for letting me stay in your house," he said.

"It's been my pleasure. You've been an interesting guest and I've enjoyed getting to know you," she answered and opened her bedroom door.

When Luka got to the basement, he carefully removed his good clothes and pulled on his sweats. Climbing into bed, he was soon fast asleep. It was 6:45 when Luka awakened with the alarm. Without bothering to change clothes, he pulled on his shoes and headed upstairs. "What do you want me to do?" he asked when Roza opened the door.

She smiled and said, "Good morning, Luka. You can start by feeding Little Luka."

He gave her a quick kiss and said, "Okay." He went to pick up the baby.

"You sure you want to be doing this everyday?" Roza teased.

"How can you even ask? Of course, I want to! I've missed be able to take care of little children," Luka replied. He held the baby in one arm. "I think he needs to be changed before he gets his bottle."

"Well, you know where the diapers are," she pointed out.

"Let's get you all cleaned up," he told Little Luka as he carried him into the bedroom. Roza finished getting breakfast ready and summoning the older children to the table. "Jasaminka, don't forget your boots this time," she reminded her youngest daughter.

"I won't, Mama," Jasaminka promised.

Luka removed the baby's messy diaper and soon had him all cleaned up and into a fresh one. "Time for your bottle," he told Little Luka. He carried him into the kitchen and sat down on a chair. Jasaminka looked up from her cereal to say, "Hello, Dr. Luka!"

"Good morning, Little One," he replied.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Visiting you.," Luka answered. "But I need to get back to Chicago tomorrow."

"Can't you stay here with me and mama and the others?" Jasaminka asked suddenly.

"I'm afraid I can't. But I will be coming back again to visit. And you will be returning to Chicago," he reminded her.

"When?" she asked her mother.

"After the school year is over," Roza said as she handed Luka a warmed bottle of formula.

"Can I have all my toys again?" Nikola asked.

"Of course. They're still at the house for you," she assured her son.

"All my Pokemon?" he asked.

"All your Pokemon and everything else," she replied with a laugh. Luka had gotten the baby to start taking the formula. He looked up at Roza to say, "I'll watch Little Luka while you take the rest of the children to school."

"All right," she agreed.

As soon as they finished with breakfast, the children scrambled to grab theirr backpacks and coats. When they had headed downstairs, Luka quickly kissed Roza and said, "Hurry back."

"I will," she promised.

"I'll be right back," Luka told the baby and quickly headed downstairs to locate Marjorie. He found her downstairs in the kitchen, fixing a crock pot stew.

"Good morning, Luka. I trust you slept well," she said when she heard him enter.

"I did. Marjorie, could you do me a favor and baby-sit Little Luka for awhile. I want to do some shopping with Roza," Luka explained.

"I'd be delighted to. He's my favorite little guy," Marjorie said and smiled.

"Thank you very much, Marjorie. I'd better get back upstairs," Luka told her. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and turned to leave.

"And you're my favorite big guy!" she called out after him. She smiled as she resumed fixing the stew.
Roza returned to find Luka sitting in the rocking chair, holding Little Luka and softly humming a lullaby. She pulled off her coat and said, "You both looked so peaceful."

Luka glanced up at her and smiled. "I was just thinking how I will love having you and the children to come home to everyday. Telling stories to the little ones." he said softly.

"And dealing with squabbles, and keeping them quiet so you can sleep days when you work nights," Roza commented. She leaned over and tenderly kissed him.

"Mmm. I love the taste of your lips," Luka said when she had straightened up again.

She ruffled his hair and said, "I'll let you taste them again later. What do you want to do today?"
"I asked Marjorie to baby-sit Little Luka while we went shopping. I want to find a CD with that song we heard last night," Luka replied.

"We need to decide how to tell the children that we're going to be married," Roza said as she picked up her son.

"We can do it during lunch.  I'm going to head downstairs to get cleaned up and change clothes," Luka said.  He got to his feet.

"I'll go talk to Marjorie," she said.

"I can tell her that you're upstairs," Luka suggested.  He kissed Roza again and then headed for the door.

"All right."

Luka found Marjorie still in the kitchen, putting the finishing touches on her stew.  "Roza is upstairs," he told her.

"All right.  I'll be up in a few minutes," Marjorie replied.

"Thanks, Marjorie," Luka said and headed down to the basement.  He quickly showered and shaved, putting on dark jeans and a turtleneck.  Slipping his wallet into his pocket and grabbing his keys and jacket, he headed upstairs.

Marjorie was talking to Roza.  "Don't worry about the baby.  You two just stay out as long as you want."

"Thank you, Marjorie," Roza said.

Luka knocked on the door, and when she opened it, he quickly kissed her. "All ready to go?"

"Yes.  Just let me get coat," she replied.

"I thought that we could take my car instead of the van," Luka said.

"Just as long as we get back in time to pick up the children at school."

"We will," he promised.

"Have fun," Marjorie called out from where she was sitting.

"We will," Luka answered.  He stood with his hands in his pockets.

Roza pulled on her coat and said, "I'm ready."  She took Luka's hand and they headed downstairs.

The first place they stopped at was a large music store.  The salesclerk saw them enter and quickly asked, "May I help you?"

"Yes.  We're looking for a CD with a song that we heard last night.  I was told that the singer was Reba something.  I can't think what it was," Luka answered.

"Oh, you probably mean Reba McIntire.  We have a large selection of her music," the clerk replied as she led the way to the 'Country' section.

"Thank you," Luka replied.  He began selecting CDs and reading through the song lists.

Roza smiled and began helping him.  "What was that song?"

"'I'll Be'.  I can't stop thinking about it--or you," Luka told her.

"Found it," Roza announced and held up the CD.

"Great.  Now I need to get a small CD player so I can listen to it on the way back to Chicago."

"I'd better buy a copy," Roza decided.

Carrying their CDs, they headed for the checkout stand.  "This is all we have," Luka told the cashier.

She quickly rang up the purchase and told them the amount.  Taking the money, she said, "Have a nice day."

"You too," Luka told her.  He had the bag in one hand and held Roza's in his other as they headed out the door.

Hand in hand, they walked back to the car.  Roza looked up at him and asked, "Where to next?"

"I think we'll go buy that CD player and then find someplace to sit down and get something to eat," he decided.

After purchasing a small portable CD player and plenty of batteries, they found a small cozy restaurant and went inside.

"Smoking or non-smoking?" the hostess asked.

"Non-smoking.  And could you find us a quiet corner?" Luka asked.

"Of course, Sir," she replied and grabbed a couple of menus.  "Follow me."

"When they were seated across from each other, Roza sighed and admitted, "I still can't believe that we're getting married."

"Neither can I.  And now Chicago seems so very far away from here," he said.  "But I have to be there.  At least Kerry has been pretty agreeable about giving me the extra time off."

"You know that Jasaminka will be VERY happy that you'll be living with us," Roza commented.

"I know.  I can't wait to have her for a daughter," Luka replied and smiled.

"Luka Kovac, are you marry me because you love me?  Or because you love my children?" Roza teased.

"A little of both actually.  You know I love you very much.  And I also love the children, especially the twins and Little Luka," he admitted.

"Well, he will be YOUR son since he'll never know his real father," she said.

"You know, I'd like to find someway to make the children feel more involved.  Have a part in our wedding ceremony," Luka said thoughtfully.

"Well, the twins could be our ring bearer and flower girl," Roza suggested.

"Tradition suggests that the bride be given away to the man she loves," Luka began.

"But who would do it?" Roza wondered.

"I've been thinking...Viktor could give you away...representing his brothers and sisters.  They have to learn to accept me as their stepfather."

Their conversation was interrupted by the server coming back to ask, "What would you like to drink?"

"Iced tea with lemon and sugar," Luka answered.

"I'll have the same," Roza added.

The server wrote down their orders and announced, "I'll be back in a few minutes."

When they were once more alone, Roza said, "That's an excellent idea, Luka. And Zelika could be my maid of honor."

"So much to plan a wedding," Luka commented.

"Of course you'll invite your friends from the hospital."

"I know that I want to invite Kerry Weaver.  If she hadn't hired me, I"d probably be long gone from Chicago.  And we wouldn't be sitting here today," Luka answered.

The server returned with the drinks, ready to take their meal order.  "Have you decided on what you want?" she asked.

"We haven't even looked at the menu yet," Luka admitted.

"May I recommend our daily soup and sandwich special?  Today we have homemade corn chowder and half of a grilled cheese sandwich," she suggested.

"Sounds good.  I think I'll go ahead and have that," Luka decided.

"I think I'll have the same," Roza added.

The server wrote down the order and hurried away.

"Who are you thinking about inviting?" Luka asked.

"Besides Marjorie?  I don't know.  Some of Viktor's friends from the school.  Andrew McKray writes every so often to ask how we're doing?" Roza replied.

"We won't have a very big guest list, huh?" Luka commented.

"Not like our first weddings.  Family and friends from miles around.  The food, the wine, the music and the dancing," she reminisced.

"We can still everything but the family," Luka reminded her.

"I know.  We'll have a great wedding and then the rest of our lives together."

"Here you are," the server said as she returned with the soup and sandwiches.

"Thank you," Luka said.

They ate their meal in companionable silence, enjoying the hot chowder.  Their server came back with the check, and after paying and leaving a tip, they hurried back out to the car.

"What do you want to do next?" Roza asked.

"Let's just go for a walk," Luka suggested as he got behind the wheel.

That evening they took the older children out for pizza.  After giving the server their order, Roza looked over at Luka as she spoke to her children.  "We have something to tell you--Luka and I are going to get married."

"When?" Zelika wanted to know.

"After we move back to Chicago," she replied.

"Dr. Luka, does that mean you'll be my new papa?" Jasaminka asked.

"I'll be your stepfather.  You HAD a father and I'm not trying to take his place," Luka answered.  "But you'll be my little girl now."

"And you'll live with us?" she persisted.

"Luka laughed and replied, "Of course I'll be living with you."

"Good," the little girl replied.

"Your mother and I have talked about each of you having a part in our wedding," Luka began.

"Like what?" Viktor wanted to know.

"The twins can be our ring bearer and flower girl," Roza explained.

"Does that mean I get to wear a special dress?" Jasaminka asked.

"We'll get you a very special brand new dress," her mother promised.


"Viktor, Luka and I were talking about having you escort me down the aisle and give me away.  You'd be representing your brothers and sisters.  It seems right since we're ALL starting a brand new life," Roza told her oldest child.

The boy looked thoughtful as he considered what she'd suggested.  "I think I'd like to do that," he finally replied.

"What do I get to be?" Zelika asked.

"Why, you get to be my maid of honor.  To stand beside me until I say my wedding vows," Roza answered.

"What does Little Luka get to do?" Jasaminka wanted to know.

"He's too little to have a part.  But I'll make sure that Marjorie has him with her.  She is coming to our wedding," Roza replied.

The server brought their pizza and the children eagerly started in on it. Luka watched them, thinking how much he cared for each and every one.

"Better grab a piece before it's all gone," Roza warned.

"I ordered enough for all of us," Luka assured her.  He reached for a slice to put on his plate.

"Good.  Now if they don't eat too much," she sighed.

Later that evening, the children were all in bed.  Roza and Luka headed down to the basement to be alone for a little while.  He sat down on the edge of the bed and wearily rubbed his forehead.  A pounding headache had struck him several hours earlier.  Now he hoped that it would ease enough to let him sleep.

Roza noticed him touching his forehead and asked, "Luka, are you okay?"

He smiled and replied, "It's just a slight headache.  Too much excitement today."

"Well, why don't you get ready for bed?" she suggested.  "And I'll get you some aspirin."  She started for the door.

"Okay," Luka answered and reached for his sweats.  He was dressed and lying back against the pillows when she finally returned.

"Here you are," Roza said as she set a mug of hot tea on the nightstand. She went to retrieve the aspirin from the medicine cabinet.  "Why don't you just sleep late instead of helping me with the children?"

"I think that Jasaminka is expecting me there," he began.

"She'll be seeing you everyday soon enough.  I'll explain to them that you need your sleep since you have to work tomorrow night," Roza said as she returned with the aspirin.

"I have to do that," Luka admitted.  He sat up a little bit to take the aspirin and tea.

"Are you sure that it's just a headache?  You don't have a fever?  There's that flu bug going around," Roza asked as she reached out to touch his forehead.

"It's just a headache.  A lot has happened in the past twenty-four hours. And I didn't get all that much sleep last night.  A little sleep and some aspirin and I'll be fine," Luka assured her.

"Okay.  But I want you to sleep late in the morning," Roza insisted as she switched off the alarm clock.

"If I get up early in the morning--you'll send me back to bed?" Luka asked. He swallowed the aspirin with the aid of small sips of tea.

"I will.  Alone.  You need to get some rest," Roza said firmly.  She eased him back against the pillows and covered him with a blanket.  "Now go to sleep!"

"okay," he sighed and turned over on his side.  "Good night, Roza."

"Good night, Luka," she said softly.  She stayed by the bed until she saw him fall into a restless sleep.  Then she turned and headed upstairs.  "Pleasant dreams."

The next morning when Luka awakened, he saw that the alarm clock read 10:21.  A note was lying on the nightstand so he picked it up and read it.

'Dearest Luka,
Take a look outside--there is at least a foot of snow on the ground and
still more falling.  School is closed so the children are upstairs.  Come on
up when you get dressed.

Luka got to his feet and headed for the bathroom to shower and shave.  After getting dressed in dark jeans and a black turtleneck, he headed upstairs to take a look out the window.

From the living room windows, he could see the snow falling heavily.  He knew he'd better leave for Chicago as soon as possible.  How he hated to leave Marjorie's warm and comfortable house.  And get out in the storm and the cold.

"Rather pretty isn't it?" Marjorie asked when she saw him staring out the window.

"Yes it is.  But unfortunately I have to drive in it," Luka replied.

"I know.  That's why I'm starting lunch early.  You're not getting away from here until you've had a good meal to sustain you," she insisted.

"That's very kind of you," Luka said.  "Now I need to go upstairs and talk to Roza."

"I'd say that old car of yours will be hard to drive," she said suddenly.

"Yes it will," Luka replied as he headed for the stairs.

Upstairs the twins were watching Pokemon videos while the older children played the card game 'War'.  "Good morning, Luka," Roza said and gave him a kiss.  "You look better.  Did you sleep well?"

"Good morning, Roza.  Yes, I slept okay.  I just woke up a little while ago," Luka replied.

"Dr. Luka!" Jasaminka exclaimed as she jumped up to run to him.

"Good morning, Little One," Luka said.  He knelt down to let her hug him. He smiled as she ran back to her seat in front of the TV.

"Have a seat, Luka, and I'll fix you some breakfast," Roza said as she led him into the kitchen.

"I wish I'd known what the weather report said before I came here.  I have no boots and a car which is hard to drive in a blizzard," Luka told her as he sat down at the table.

She popped a couple of slices of bread in the toaster.  "Well, according to the radio this morning, the storm came up totally unexpectedly.  Remember how we could see the stars last night?"

"Yeah.  All I can do now is leave for Chicago as soon as possible and pray that I don't get into any accidents."

"Are you sure that you can't stay here until the roads clear?"

"I wish I could.  But if the storm hits this hard in Chicago, the hospital could be shorthanded," Luka answered.

"True.  I"ll just pray that you get there safely," Roza said and poured him a cup of hot tea.

A knock on the door sounded and Zelika got up to answer it.  "Who's there?" she asked.

"It's Marjorie.  I need to talk to your mother and Luka."

Zelika opened the door and said, "They're in the kitchen."  She headed back to the card game.

"Who's winning?" Marjorie asked.

"He is," Zelika complained with a glance at her brother.

"Hello, Marjorie," Roza said when the older woman entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, Rozalija, Luka," Marjorie greeted them.  She came to the point of her visit.  Turning to Luka, she said, "I've been thinking--you certainly CAN'T drive all the way back in this storm."

"I know.  But I CAN'T stay here either," Luka said and spread his hands.

"I have a 4-wheel drive Blazer in the garage.  It has the snow tires and chains.  All it needs is the gas tank filled up.  You can drive it back to Chicago," Marjorie told him.

"I can't.  What will you drive?" Luka protested.

"I'll be okay until the roads clear.  Besides, I have a smaller car with snow tires.  Take the Blazer and we won't be worrying that you get back to Chicago safely," Marjorie continued.

"How will you get it back?" Luka asked.

"Some weekend when the weather is clear--I"ll drive your car to Chicago. Now the Blazer is fully insured with proof in the glove compartment.  I have blankets and a road kit in the back in you end up stuck.  If you get stopped by the police--have them call me.  I"d better get back to my cooking," Marjorie said and headed for the door.

Once they were alone, Luka looked up at Roza and said, "I CAN'T take her car."

"She's got a point, Luka.  The last thing you need is to get into an accident on those slick roads.  I'd lend you the minivan if I didn't need it myself," she replied as she set a plate of buttered toast and a jar of apple butter on the table.

"Well, as soon as I eat, I"d better get packed up," Luka sighed.

Roza gave him a kiss and said, "You be sure and call me as soon as you get to the hospital."

"I will," Luka promised.

Luka was all packed up and ready by the time Marjorie had the meal prepared.  She'd baked a ham and had rolls, mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes and gravy.  For desert there were leftover pieces of Valentine cake.  "I'll fix you some sandwiches to eat on the way," she told him.

"Thank you," Luka told her.  He planned to stop only if necessary or if the storm made it TOO dangerous to drive.

Marjorie hurried about, getting the meal on the table.  "After you eat--I'll get you the keys."

"All right," Luka reluctantly agreed.

Roza took a seat beside him and commented, "Well, you certainly CAN'T win an argument with Marjorie.  I've tried enough times.  Besides, she did say you were a part of her 'family'."

"I know.  If I thought I could make it okay in my car, then I wouldn't take hers," Luka sighed.

As soon as lunch was over, Marjorie handed him a the keys to the Blazer and said, "There's enough in the tank to get you to a gas station.  Get it warmed up while I get your sandwiches ready."

"Thanks, Marjorie," Luka said.  He pulled on his jacket and gloves before heading for the adjoining garage.

When he left the room, Roza leaned over to say to Marjorie, "I'm glad you're letting Luka drive the Blazer to Chicago."

"I couldn't be letting him get into an accident and have you rushing off to Chicago or wherever.  Now that I've got a wedding to look forward to," Marjorie replied as she finished the sandwiches and added to the bag a piece of cake.  She filled a thermos with hot coffee.

Luka returned a few minutes later to announce, "I'd better be getting on the way."

Roza wrapped her arms around him and kissed him 'goodbye'.  "Drive safely, Luka," she whispered.

"Don't worry--I will," he promised and returned the kiss.  Turning to Marjorie, he gave her a quick hug.  "Thank you for everything."

"You're welcome.  Now, there's sandwiches and a piece of cake in the bag.  Here's a thermos of hot coffee.  I didn't know how you like it so there's creamer, sugar and sweetener in the bag," she said.

"Thank you," Luka replied.

Roza picked up the bag and thermos and carried them out to the Blazer. After placing them in the front seat, she turned to Luka, embracing and kissing him passionately.

"Oh, Roza, you have no idea how much I hate to leave now," Luka said.  He got behind the wheel of the Blazer.  "I'll call you as soon as I get to Chicago."

"Goodbye, Luka--and be careful," Roza said softly and watched him pull out of the garage.

After stopping to fill up the tank, Luka headed for Chicago.  The snow was still falling heavily and a wind had started blowing.  Visibility was almost zero, so he drove slowly, keeping his eyes on the lights of the vehicles ahead.  He WAS grateful to Marjorie for lending him the Blazer.  He hadn't wanted to chance driving back in his old car.

The heater in the 4-wheel drive was working perfectly so Luka soon removed his jacket and gloves.  He tuned in a radio station that was giving frequent updates on the storm.

It was close to 7:00 and Luka still had quite a ways to go before he reached Chicago.  He'd taken along his cell phone just in case he'd need it.  Pulling the phone out of his jacket pocket, he quickly dialed the number for County's ER.

The storm was keeping the ER busy with accident victims and a number of calls.  Amira grabbed the phone when it rang, saying, "ER."

"Amira, this is Dr. Kovac.  I need to speak to Dr. Weaver for a moment," Luka said.

"I'll get her.  Don't tell me you're calling to say that you can't come in," Amira said and put him on hold.  She headed for Exam 4 to tell Kerry.

Kerry had just finished with a patient and was jotting down notes.  She looked up at the desk clerk and asked, "What is it, Amira?"

"Dr. Kovac is on hold on line three.  Says that he needs to talk to you," Amira replied.

"All right," Kerry said as she followed Amira back to admit.  "We'll really be shorthanded if he can't come in."  She picked up the receiver.  "What is it, Luka?"

"Kerry, I'm afraid I'm going to be late today.  The storm is really slowing down driving," he told her.

"You're not trying to drive back in your car, are you?" Kerry asked.

"No.  I was loaned the use of a 4-wheel drive vehicle.  I"m trying to get here as soon as I can," Luka answered.

"All right.  Just drive carefully.  I'd rather have you show up late than not at all.  We'll cover for you until you get here," Kerry told him.

"Don't worry--I will," Luka promised.  He hung up the phone and went back to concentrating on the road.

The heavy snow had shorted out a transformer and one of the other major trauma centers was involved in the blackout.  So when a 40 car pileup occurred, County was to receive most of the trauma victims.

Luka had been following the traffic reports on the radio.  When he heard about the crash, he knew that the ER would be VERY busy.  Fortunately, he'd not be coming anywhere near the pileup.  So he should be able to get to County as quickly as possible.

Ambulances were pulling up to the ER when Luka arrived.  He parked the Blazer out of the way, pocketed the keys.  He quickly hurried to where paramedics were unloading a young woman.  "What have you got?" he asked.

"23 year old female with right tib-fib fracture, collapsed lung.  BP is 65 palp, resps are 10.  She's tachycardic at 120. Tubed in the field and gave two liters saline," Doris told him.

"Good," Luka said as he followed the patient in.  Catching sight of Kerry, he asked, "What's open?"

"Trauma Two," Kerry said as she hurried past him into Trauma One.  Glad you're here--we're swamped!"

Luka pulled off his jacket and tossed it aside, reaching for a trauma gown. Set me up for a chest tube on the right," he told Yosh.

As soon as Luka had a free moment, he headed for the lounge to call Roza.

Kerry was in the lounge when Luka entered.  Looking up from a chart, she asked, "Did you have a good visit to St. Louis?"

"A great visit," he replied and looked over at her.  "Kerry, I have some VERY good news to tell you."

"What is it, Luka?" Kerry asked, intrigued.

"Kerry, I am getting married!" Luka excitedly announced.  "And you are the first to know."

"Oh, Luka, that IS wonderful news!" kerry exclaimed.  "You're marrying Mrs. Lukovic?"

"Yes.  Rozalija and I love each other very much," Luka answered.

"Have you set a date yet?"

"Not yet.  Right now I need to call Roza and let her know that I made it here safely," he answered and picked up the phone.

"I'll leave you alone then," Kerry said as she headed for the door.

Roza was anxiously waiting by the phone so she picked it up on the first ring.  "Hello?"

"Roza, I'm sorry that I didn't get to call you sooner," Luka apologized.

"I was starting to get worried that you'd had an accident," Roza said.

"I know.  But the ER was Very busy when I arrived so I HAD to get to work," he explained.

"I'm just glad that you made it safely."

"I am too.  I have to get back to work now.  I promise to call you tomorrow.  I love you, Roza."

"I love you, Luka," she said and hung up the phone.

Luka hung up the phone and then headed for the board to see what he could do next.


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